Samstag, 6. April 2013

Things I hope to say in my lifetime.....

Yeah, crazy like I am some are from movies, some are just in my head:

Things I like to say in my lifetime (part one)

  1. "Follow that monkey !"
  2. "What are you suppose to do with the knife ? No...wait !"
  3. "WHHHHYYYYYYY ?????"
  4. "And so it begins...."
  5. "This is my destiny...."
  6. "Get off my sheet !"
  7. "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!“ – „You bastards!“ (yes both things ...:D)
  8. "Elementary, my dear Watson."
  9. "Why always me ?"
  10. *some strange guy* "I'm sorry (lets call him Angus) Angus, but I can't marry you."
  11. "Let the monkey go !"
  13. Yeah...and that is how it ends...

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