Samstag, 9. März 2013

How to describe a Fandom

Everyone have the one thing, the one book, movie, series or character he can't get out of his mind.
Just because you are a Fan don't mean you're like "OH MY GOOOOOD" (okay, I admit it, sometimes I act like that) but it's like a story in all of us.
In some times, maybe when we're grown ups, maybe we have children on our own, but there will come a day where we remember a line, a word, a name. And then we remember our great childhood fantasy and how it feels when the story we love the most ends. Maybe we will be sad or maybe we will be happy because of all the good memorys we have about this one special story.

Some Storys stay with us forever....

And maybe a few or much of us will tell the stories our children.
I will tell them....all of them. I will read every Harry Potter book out loud for them. I will tell them about Peter Pan. Together we will discover Narnia, or Middle Earth. But one thing I am sure about:
They will dream about all the adventures we all dreamt off as we were children.

And so I can just say: Don't forget the storys who changed your life. Let them be into your hearts and they will stay there for your whole life.

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